How NOT to make a presentation!
7 helpful advices.
The use of PowerPoint presentations has shown a great increase trough the last years and many teachers and students are applying this tool in their teaching and learning every day’s experiences.
Nevertheless, there are some basic points we must consider when making a presentation. I we don’t, we may run the risk of wasting the potential of this technological resource.
1- Avoid putting all the words you’re supposed to say so as not to overcrowd your slides and bore your audience.
2- Consider font size: not to big, not to small.
3- Keep your text stationary! Otherwise you can annoy your audience and lose their attention.
4- Be careful with the font you choose. Believe it or not, your choice will show some of your character traits.
5- Strike a balance with animation in order to cater for your easily distracted students or the more visual ones.
6- Avoid using too many acronyms.
7- Include only relevant charts that contribute to your general message.
These basic notions will help us increasing our presentations effectiveness. I highly recommend you to watch this video of a conference by Don Mac Millan, to see some examples that will help you get a clear idea of what NOT to do.